réplique is a Genshin Fine Art zine focused on replicating traditional fine arts paintings with Genshin characters. This zine is an opportunity to explore the classic themes of fine art through the lens of our beloved characters while reimagining the gorgeous art of the game in new and traditional styles.This zine hopes to be a gallery of evocative, engaging, emotional artwork, and we can't wait to share it with you!

What is the theme of this zine?
This zine aims to explore Genshin characters recreated in the style and image of classic fine art paintings.Which art movements will be represented in the zine?
While the particular expertise of the mods is in mainly Western art, we absolutely welcome pitches for pieces based on Eastern art.How old do contributors need to be?
All contributors must be 18 or up at time of acceptance to the zine.Will the zine be digital or physical? For-profit or charity?
This zine aims to be physical, and will be split-profit. The split profit model is described below.How many contributors will be accepted?
We are currently planning to accept 30 page artists and 5 merch artists. This is subject to change.How will contributors be compensated?
This zine is a split-profit zine. All contributors are guaranteed a free digital PDF of the zine and any physical items at production price. If sales allow, all contributors will be provided a full bundle with free shipping. If sales allow beyond this point, 50% of the profits will be donated to a charity of choice (to be voted on later by contributors) and the other 50% will be divided equally among the contributors as monetary payment.How are applications evaluated?
Moderators will be evaluating technical art skill (lighting, perspective, etc.), composition, and style for the samples submitted. After moderators score each applicant, the scores will be normalized to prevent scoring disparities.Is traditional art allowed?
Yes. We ask traditional artists to provide a high-quality scan or image of their piece.Can an older piece be submitted for this zine?
This zine will ask every contributor to select an art era upon acceptance. Due to the nature of era assignments and pitches, all art must be newly created specific for this zine.Will there be NSFW in this zine?
This zine may include tasteful semi-nudity including partially exposed genetalia and fully exposed breasts in the context of recreating classic fine art pieces. Minors should view at their own discretion, though all nudity will be canon-typical to historical, well-known paintings.Are ships allowed?
Ships may be depicted depending on specific art pieces, though the nature of this zine is platonic.Will this zine contain spoilers?
The zine will contain spoilers dating up to the point when contributors pitch ideas.Will you be including writers?
Unfortunately, the nature of this zine's theme is not conducive to incorporating writers.

Social Media & Art Mod: MadsHi friends, my name is Mads :) Don't tell anyone but this an incredibly self indulgent project for me as I'm an art history major and spend far too much time (and money) on Genshin Impact. I can't wait to promote this zine!Experience:coldsobashouto.carrd.co

Organization & Art Mod: KaashiLearning art history in college led me to a long love of fine art. Now, I get to combine my love of fine art and my love for Genshin; I can't wait see the two come together within this project with all of the other mods and contributors!Experience:✧ HQ Olympics Bang 2021: Social Media, General
✧ Haikyuu Rarepair Bang 2021: Head Mod, Graphics, Social Media, Organization, Communications
✧ HQ Polyship Bang 2021: Co-head Mod, General, Organization
✧ HQ Myths & Legends Exchange: Head, Organization, Graphics, Social Media

Graphics & Formatting & Art Mod: MariHi, I’m Mari! I graduated from art / design school a little over a year ago and am ecstatic to be back in the art world for this project! This is officially my 10th zine as a mod! Excited to get started : )Experience:celestialmari.carrd.co

Finance Mod: KroaliasHi I love cats and zines and art (though the only form of art I know anything about is music). Classical music counts as fine art though, doesn’t it?Experience:kroalias-zines.carrd.co

Shipping Mod: NicoHello! I’m Nico and I’ll be shipping the beautiful Genshin artwork to everyone’s personal home museums. My favorite art styles are French baroque and classicism, and my favorite Genshin character is Zhongli! I look forward to all the great and diverse pieces featuring all of everyone’s faves coming soon!Experience:✧ Fun in the Sun (Arcana!): Finance & Shipping
✧ Sylvix Fan Calendar: Production & Shipping
✧ Until Forever: A Vanoé Zine- Shipping Mod

Communications/Organization Mod & Finance Intern: NotteHi, I'm Notte! I fell in love with the Genshin aesthetics and I'm really excited to take on communications for this zine, learn about finance modding, and push the Kaeya agenda onto the mod team ^-^Experience:✧ Sk8TTS: Writing and Communications Mod
✧ Luka Couffaine Zine: Writing Mod
✧ I've been editing semi-professionally for over a decade and also tutor writing for ages 5 to 20somethings, and I've worked as the main marketing communicator for several healthcare clinics over the last seven years.

Interest Check: January 12th - February 15th
Contributor Apps: February 20th - March 19th
Pitches due: March 30th
Check-in 1: April 20th
Check-in 2: May 20th
Check-in 3: June 10th
Final Pieces Due: June 20th
Pre-Orders: July 15th